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Showing posts from September, 2017

Full Term Reflections

There's quite a bit of gory detail about pregnancy, labour, and birth in this post. So avert thine eyes if this kind of content is upsetting for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm so thrilled to have reached 37 weeks gestation! Baby is now considered to be early term, which means that if she were to make an appearance before her estimated due date at 40 weeks, she'd be a little early but fully cooked. I was born at 37 weeks exactly. With my first kiddo, I went into labour the day after his estimated due date, which is remarkable for a first-timer (they often arrive a little later.) Subsequent babies tend to come sooner, what with mama's body knowing the drill. I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions since about 25 weeks. They are harmless practice contractions, and have been increasing in frequency and strength since week 34. In the past week I've been getting some...

An American Interlude

California, here I come, right back where I started from...etc, etc. Well, I'm there already. A family crisis came to a head. Duty called. I followed the Bat Signal. And let me tell you, a ten hour flight is not fun when you're in your third trimester of pregnancy. Neither is the jet lag nor the stunning amount of stress that comes with navigating American bureaucracy (health insurance for me and the guys, Green Card for hubs, putting the little guy in school) during said family crisis. I have been stressed, folks. I don't think I've ever known stress like this. But I'm ok, baby is ok, the guys are ok, and I'm optimistic that things will continue to be ok. At least for the most part.  We will be spending my maternity leave here to support my family members in need as much as possible. After that, we'll be returning to the UK in the late spring next year. Although it's not nice to say it, the eventual return to Britain is a little beacon of en...