I received these two Glossier masks from my sweet friend, Andrea, for my birthday. Since I'm a January baby, my birthday has always coincided with New Year goal-setting. The health of my skin is a priority for me - those who know me well often laugh at me for carrying a UV-protective umbrella during the warm months, and if I'm going to be outdoors for more than ten minutes any time of year, you can bet I'm wearing sunscreen. Now that I've taken a further step into my thirties, taking even better care of my changing skin seems like a sensible resolution.
Incorporating face masks into my normal routine is something I'm excited about. If the results I've had from my one use of these Glossier masks are an accurate indication of what I can expect, then it's a good decision. I'm delighted to report that the masks - for the most part - are awesome. They are meant to be used as a pair, with Mega Greens applied first.
The packaging is clean and simple. The design on the lid stickers makes it fairly clear that Glossier's target consumer group are Millennials, of which I am one. Hey, fellow '80s babies. We are getting older. We need to start taking extra good care of ourselves, like, yesterday.
First up is the Mega Greens Galaxy Pack. Glossier describes it as a 'juice cleanse for your face.' It's a partial clay mask that's meant to extract dirt and other impurities from the skin.
Look at that virgin surface just waiting to be poked.
Mega Greens has no discernible scent that I could detect. The texture is typical of a clay mask: thick; creamy; cooling.
So satisfying.
Bonjour. It moi.
Once I applied it to my face I noticed the solid exfoliating bits. I left it on for 20 minutes, as per Glossier's advice. It dried down tight, as clay masks do, and left my skin feeling super clean but also super dry. I was even a little bit red, so understood immediately why the Moisturizing Moon Mask is supposed to follow.
Moisturizing Moon Mask
The Moisturizing Moon Mask is a smooth cream mask that looks and feels like a thick lotion.
It was such a relief to apply after the hard work done by Mega Greens. Once on, the Moon Mask became almost completely transparent.Moisturizing Moon Mask
The Moisturizing Moon Mask is a smooth cream mask that looks and feels like a thick lotion.
My first impression of the Mask Duo was definitely positive. After doing them together, my skin felt velvety. I was especially pleased to see that Mega Greens lived up to its claim of drawing out oil and dirt, because over the course of the next 24 hours the few little blemished that had been brewing on my face had come to the surface and were no longer red. Result.
It's worth mentioning that Glossier provides a free sample with each purchase. My friend selected a sample of the Milky Jelly Cleanser for me, which I'll review soon along with Solution. I was intrigued enough by Solution to buy it for myself. Glossier's website says to expect results from it after four weeks, so I'll give it a little while before I put my thoughts out there.
For £30, the Mask Duo is worth it, in my opinion, though you can get both masks individually.
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